Thursday, September 9, 2010

Kassadie Update

Kassadie has done very well with her rehab therapy. She had a doctors appointment and they said she was doing excellent. She was going to O/T & P/T every Tuesday and Thursday and now they said 6 times a year. Yahoo!! Isn't that great?? She walks without her brace and they think she will be a lefty for life. But we work her fine motor skills everyday at home just to keep building those muscles up. Anyways, thought I would share since we are sooo very proud.

1 comment:

Donna Bogash said...

We are soooo happy to hear that Kassadie is doing so well. She couldn't miss with all those prayers going up and all the special love and care we know she's receiving. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary too. Bill and I are heading for 47yrs. We're raising our granddaughter Katie who is 17. I homeschool also, so we're back hitting the books too. I only have one, you have a class room! God bless you, you're doing a fantastic job. We'll be praying that all goes well with Kassadie's procedure. Praying for happy, healthy days for you all. Donna, Bill & Katie
